Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Idea Post -- Display Ideas part Deux

Here is a beautiful diagram of how I would like to present my final piece:

The hanging red/white things in the middle are my images. I want to have a light shining in the middle space. There will be curtains sectioning off the area from the rest of the room, however it won't be small like it was at mid-term, it will only serve to define a space so that the room that I present in (I anticipate room 305 ) will not distract from my work.  I actually got this idea from Ashleigh.  We were talking about how I feel there is no beginning or end to this particular work. She mentioned it being cyclical and what if I hang my images in a circle where there is no defined start or end and when the person enters the space they just go around and around. I like this idea of entrapment to go along with my work and having my audience being stuck in the endless cycle that I find myself stuck in on the day to day.  I think it would be a very effective way of showing my piece for this reason.

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